Top 10k strings from Adventures of Brian the Bold, The (1985)(Central Solutions).tap
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4 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ": 3 BTB 2 - direction commands. 1 {eM2{eSF{eUJ{eVN{e`R{e`Y{ea`{erd{exo{eys{ezw{e|{{e 1 vPV:vQ=cvW 1 uIM'uIM0uI 1 The Illustrator 1 THE ADVENTURES OF BRIAN THE BOLD 1 Byd"Fyd"Uyd%Yyd%`yd'gyd)kyd.oyd2syd2}ydM 1 ;"[ Y / N ]" 1 ;"THE INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS OR STORY"; 1 ;" THE STORY " 1 ;" STOP TAPE "; 1 ;" Made with the aid of The Quill" 1 ;" DO YOU WANT "; 1 ;" START TAPE AND PRESS ANY KEY ": 1 ;" DO YOU WANT THE STORY AND INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN [ Y / N ] " 1 ;" MAXIMUM SCORE 100% " 1 - general commands." 1 ''''''''': 1 EDWARD BECK 1985" 1 EDWARD BECK 1985 1 1984 GILSOFT 1 - gives a list of every- thing you are carrying 1 - gives your score. 1 - to finish a game. 1 - save your current game position onto tape. 1 - load a saved position. 1 - describes your current location and draws any picture present. 1 "Tower. Several of the Kings championknights have failed in their quest to rescue the princess andnow there is a reward for anyonewho may succeed." 1 "This adventure has quite a largevocabulary. Examples of commandsare listed below." 1 " You are Brian, a peasant boy with very little knowledge and agreat imagination.You have oftendreamt of daring escapades and achieving great wealth. When youtell your friends they laugh andsay,~You should put your time tobetter use~." 1 " Should you succeed and returnsafely with the princess, you would then be permitted to go north into the castle and claim your reward." 1 " Secretly you leave home and travel to the kings castle, how-ever you are not permitted to enter. when you tell the guards of your intention to rescue the princess they smile and say,~Go home boy before you get hurt. What chance have you, a mere boysucceeding where knights have failed~." 1 " Maybe they are right, but as you stand outside of the king's castle you feel that you must look for the Black Tower, rescuethe princesss and prove everyonewrong." 1 " It is the tenth year in the reign of Good King Frederick, nomore do the people enjoy a happyexistence, these last few monthshave been a misery for each and every person of the realm. The reason for such misery is due tothe fact that King Frederick's beautiful daughter, the PrincessLeanora, has been kidnapped by Bragen ,an evil Warlock, and is being held prisoner in the Black" 1 " 1 BRIAN THE BOLD. 1